Engage your little one and get their support for your Data Analytics skillUP adventure.
We have been working on telling our story, with our elevator pitch in order to return-to-work. In the past we used story telling to defining our own next chapter with the What, Where, When and How so you are the author of your second-stage career....
Now, apply Data Analytics to your story telling in this Saturday's class titled "Visual Story Telling". Got kids? Your young ones can explore the children's section of the Avon Public Library while you skillUP and grow your confidence to return to in demand fields.
Carve a bit of time out for YOU and your professional growth so you can return-to-work tech-savvy and market ready.
Class designed to give you a broad view of the space and pique your interest for recurring classes (same time, same place on recurring Saturdays until March 14th!
Adding the class to your UP Profile will increase your currency as you face business clients at our Speed Interview Event.
Instructor Lova Bajpa of secondinnings.org welcome you and agree that it is not too late for Moms to learn the terminology and objectives of this 'techy' field. Come to any one class in the series!
Saturday, February 21st
10am - 11:30
Avon Public Library
281 Country Club Road
Avon, CT 06001
The course has recurring session continuing to March 14th. FREE