Untapped Potential Inc. is excited

to deliver an educational seminar

provided by QAI and hosted by United Health Care!
The skillUP seminar will expose you to the trends of the Agile / Scrum Management, a trending topic that began in IT Project Management and is now penetrating all enterprise functions such as finance, management, operations.
Project Management is a terrific role for our Candidates to return to and add value using their professional skill set, and through this program you'll have an opportunity to network with those in industry.
Following an introducton to Untapped Potential by Founder, Candace Freedenberg you'll hear from Pradeep Chennavajhula, Senior Vice President of QAI Global. He'll share company overview and industry trendsAgile, DevOps, Kanban, Lean Best Practices and “How does an organization transform to be an agile enterprise?"
Friday, May 4th
United Health Care Center / City Place
185 Asylum St, Hartford, CT