Leslie Crockett, Regional Manager, Patient Access at Trinity Health New England will join UP's Return Women to Work Week on Monday, October 5th. BioTech, HealthCare and Pharma will be the focus of Monday and the kick-off for the week.
Leslie is a model example of how UP can help women who have left the workforce to care for their families. The UP Flexreturn™ program eliminates the gap helping prove that women can re-enter with the support and resources that UP offers.
Leslie stepped out of caregiving for her two boys for 8 years, took a stepping stone as a P/T bank teller and was ready to get back to her caliber 13 years after stepping out. She interviewed at St. Francis Hospital in Hartford and skilled UP in their EHR system EPIC and became a trainer. She has been promoted twice already in 4 years and currently has 90 people reporting to her in 4 locations.
Trinity Health New England is technically under the umbrella of the mothership Trinity Health out of Michigan. Her staff are Trinity Health New England and encompasses four acute-care hospitals, two rehabilitation hospitals, and one behavioral health hospital in CT and MA.
Join Leslie and other Business Leaders to understand how your skills and experience can fit into their workforce needs.

Monday, October 5th
10am -11:30am
(link provided upon sign up)