Women with roles in the workforce are women with power in the workplace. How much more power if in Manufacturing and Technology?
Founder, Candace Freedenberg, supports gender equity by returning High Caliber Talent to growth fields such as manufacturing. She was invited as Keynote Speaker on Connecticut Manufacturer Webinar Series hosted by Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology, Inc (CCAT) in partnership with Advanced Manufacturing Employer Partnership (AMEP).
CCAT develops strategies in 'advancing applied technologies that drive innovative and value-driven solutions' where high caliber talent is always in high demand.

View the Webinar Recording (email is required) Along with Freedenberg, the President of Untapped Potential, were host: Ron Angelo, CCAT President and CEO; and other weighing in on the topic: Glenn Ford and Charles Daniels, AMEP Co-Chairs; Colin Cooper, CT Chief Manufacturing Officer; Kathy Hazel, Hydro-mechanical Engineer and an Untapped Potential Alumnae; Ari Santiago, President, IT Direct; Chris Fish and Jake Purduhn, the Vice President and the Director of Federal Affairs under McAllister & Quinn, respectively.
CCAT has over 60 episodes and counting with great manufacturing features. Freedenberg works to change the status quo of women in the workplace especially in traditional male-dominated fields. A passionate speaker, an advocate, and a leader to women, she brings an inspiring voice of the value of returning this demographic to their potential, whether in manufacturing, technology or other fields.
Accessing High Caliber Talent for Senior Roles in Manufacturing and Technology Hosted by CCAT and AMEP September 17, 2020
Make sure to sign up for this year's Return-to-Work Week for Women Event focused on Manufacturing, Aerospace and CleanTECH