skillUP Presentation and Tour: Learn about 3D Printing and other Maker Resources
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skillUP Presentation and Tour: Learn about 3D Printing and other Maker Resources

Curious to advance your own interest in 3-D Printing?

In a skillUP presentation and tour hosted by the staff at the Farmington Library, you’ll get exposure to join a demonstration of 3-D printing, where the staff will review all other tools available in the library’s Makers Space.

In addition, the visit will include a tour of their Makers Studio, which is decked out in the latest AR, VR, Audio, and Video Production equipment, available to anyone with the interest in getting creative! The staff will also tell you the process for booking, training, and reserving the equipment for your own personal use. Limited to 10 participants.

Friday, June 1, 2018

9:30am to 11:00am

Farmington Main Library

- 2nd Floor - Maker Space -

6 Montieth Drive, Farmington, CT 06032


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