Candidate Landed!
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Candidate Landed!

Heather C. landed in a full-time role with Smoothstack as Business Development Coordinator. In fact, she recently ran a successful industry event focusing on Empowering Women in Cybersecurity that Untapped Potential Inc hosted with our skillUP Partner Smoothstack (and her new employer!)

Smoothstack is fortunate to benefit from all the experience that Heather brings to their growth venture based in the IT training space. Not only do they appreciate IT roots with experienced in IT sales, selling to Fortune 1000 entities, in point-of-sales services for warehousing, entertainment and the hospitality industries, as well as ERP integration and Oracle-based cloud services; they valued her experience as a Realtor and Dir Membership and Events at a Country Club. All valuable experiences to add to her new role - a win-win!


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