The first class started at 10am sharp with standing room only!

We learned the difference between data and information as well as they various types of analysis. Our brains were the first tool used for analytics based on historical data. While analytics began with complex demands of the space program, now data is used for business decisions in Marketing and HR as well as your daily life.
See article shared here (link)
The class delivered on the promise of piquing our interest for recurring classes (same time, same place on recurring Saturdays until March 14th! The class was attended by returners in the field of operations, marketing and engineers as well as like-skills active in industry.
If you missed the first class, no worries! Join in for #2 "All about data – Storage and Summarization"
Adding the class to your UP Profile will increase your currency as you face business clients at our Speed Interview Event.
Offered by second innings instructor Lova Bajpa of at Avon Public Library. Second Innings described their terrific endeavor. Visit Avon Public Library to learn more. Give it a try!
Saturday, February15th
10am - 11:15 pm
Avon Public Library
281 Country Club Road
Avon, CT 06001
The course has recurring session continuing to March 14th. FREE