Did you know? January is National Mentoring Month, dedicated to celebrating and elevating the important relationship of Mentor.
Mentoring is a significant part of Untapped Potential's offering. UP relies on our Mentors to support our Candidates in so many ways. Our Mentors fulfill a range of valuable services, for example:
simply being a good listener at a quarterly mentor mingle event
taking a 1:1 Meeting to share how a Candidate's field may have changed.
Reviewing a Candidate's Profile (Resume) and providing feedback
Making connections to other industry professionals
This month Untapped Potential's Mentor Mingle "Reignite Your Professional Self" will bring Candidates and Mentors together to kick off your professional aspirations, assess your capacity for change and learn how the workplace is adapting during this monumental period.
Untapped Potential's Founder, Candace Freedenberg, is also participating on a planning committee for Million Women Mentors CT part of STEMConnector. Million Women Mentors is a global movement to spark interest and confidence in girls and women to pursue STEM careers and leadership through mentorship. MWM-CT will also host a Panel Discussion centering on the "Value" of Mentorship.
To learn more about becoming a valued Untapped Potential Mentor... click here
See Events to ensure you don't miss out on these and other events in January.