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Curated to meet the needs of our returning community, Untapped Potential has partnered with our experienced coaches that bring over 20 years of experience helping professional women return to financially and personally rewarding work after having taken time off to care for family.  We’re offering a Pilot of their Prepare To Launch program.  


The experts at Prepare to Launch know that: 


  •  a resume gap is not a career-killer.

  •  employers do hire women who have been out of the workforce AND these women perform at the same rate (or better) than their colleagues.

  •  most women, even the most accomplished, need guidance to prepare for workplace re-entry.


Learn more about the Prepare to Launch Coaches...

This career readiness program offers a terrific mix of Three 1:1 Sessions and Three Small Group Seminars to yield an individualized program with the beneficial participation from peer support.   It is a cost-effective way to approach this valuable work. 


Introductory Price $600. (Your Discount $50)

Reserve your spot with a $50 Deposit.  Balance of  $500 due at Kick-off.                                


Three 1:1 Coaching Sessions


These 60 minute 1:1 Coaching Sessions are scheduled at your convenience with respective Coaches at a mutually agreeable time from November 15 through December 5th. 

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Are YOU ready to launch,

let our professionals prepare you...

Three 1:1 Sessions





With a focus on vision, confidence, leadership and balance, Kelley will help you identify and clarify your goals for returning to work, create a work-life balance mindset roadmap, identify obstacles and acquire tools to navigate around them




With the executive coaching guidance from Susan, you will inventory your skills (professional and transferable skills ), identify career matches, and define your personal brand by crafting your targeted elevator pitch. 




Using current technology tools Candace will work collaboratively with you to updated your UP Profile.  This session will pull from the essential work done in prior sessions in order to update your individual UP Profile. 

Three Small Group Seminars

These 90 minute small group seminar style sessions take place at 1pm on three consecutive Monday’s beginning November 14th. The Seminars are held at a private space located at Canton Gateway, 50 Albany Turnpike (Building #5, 2nd Floor) in Canton, CT.  Participation is limited from 4 to 6 peers.

Nov 14, 2016


Kick-Off to Take Off Empowerment Seminar

Following completion of survey to determine where you are on the back-to work continuum, you will participate in aptitude and work style assessments and, with the help of our moderators, dig deep to begin clarifying where you are and where you want to go.

Nov 21, 2016


Work-Life Balance Planning Seminar

Coach Kelley Biskupiak will help you develop a life plan for returning to work, ensuring that you are well-supported in your return-to-work journey. 


Nov 28, 2016


Brand U Interview Seminar

Susan Reitano-Davey will teach you how to market your personal brand to achieve your professional goals. Through instruction, demonstration and role-play, you will learn the essentials of effective and successful interviewing.

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Ultimately, the work you and the Untapped Potential esteemed coaches put in to the 21 day program serves to develop your soft and hard skills necessary to undertake a Flex-Return or Returnship engagement at your caliber.  The confidence you’ll gain through this work will enable you to successfully execute your personalized re-entry strategy!


The Prepare to Launch program is a crash course in workplace readiness that will truly pay off once you take off.


Are you ready to launch? Let our partners prepare you. 


                                     Pay in Full here at the introductory rate of $600.00, today.

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