Jenn L.
Organizational Development & Learning
Organizational Development and Learning Professional successfully leading key strategic initiatives, developing and delivering employee learning & development training & education. Focus on developing meaningful partnerships with leaders, key stakeholders, and colleagues to influence, empower, motivate, and guide learners to reach learning goals and organizational objectives.
Key Skills & Competencies
Organizational Development ● Education & Training ● Mentor & Coaching ● Diversity & Inclusion ● Performance & Goal Achievement ● Learner Engagement ● Emotional Intelligence ● Self-motivated ● Collaborative
Tech skills: Microsoft Office 365, Google Docs, Workday, SuccessFactors, SharePoint, Zoom, Skype for Business, Adobe Connect, WebEx
Professional Experience
Veritas Prep Charter School | 2 yrs
High School Design Team / IEP Case Manager / Counselor
• High School Design Team Consultant
Helped design and deliver key recruitment strategies for Founding High School principal, candidate “Must Haves”, opening August 2022.
Actively reviewed candidate resumes and conducted Founding Principal interviews.
Assisted in the organizational design of high school mission, vision and early college design.
Collaborated with fellow team members to design and develop High School Vision of a Graduate.
Worked closely with the director of High School design meeting weekly to keep whole team on track meeting deliverable goals.
• IEP Case Manager / Student Support
Led IEP meetings and wrote IEP goals based on student abilities and continued learning and growth; consulted with key stakeholders, parents/guardians/teachers/counselors, to effectively address student learning needs and executive functioning to meet annual goals.
Participated as a collaborative team member in both Initial and 3-Year IEP evaluations, see previous.
Adapted and provided ELA curriculum support in full inclusion classroom based on student specific needs.
• School Counselor, Stretch Assignment | 3 mos
Support student social emotional and educational needs via 1:1 interaction.
Designed and delivered college and career readiness & diversity and inclusion education (DEI).
Ascension | St. Louis, MO (Remote) | 2 yrs
Organizational Talent Effectiveness (SME)
Successfully led key initiatives, engagement and performance and goal management supporting 8,000+ employees, with 37 executive leaders. Utilized, trained, and measured associates with SuccessFactors.
• Co-designed, developed, and delivered education and training via classroom and adobe connect for recruitment and interview best practices. Leveraged key partnerships to identify gaps in recruitment processes. Recommended, designed and delivered training to key stakeholders. Helped identify and overcome interviewer biases thereby supporting goal of hiring diverse talent. Results: Implemented recruitment and interview best practices, bringing post-training EEOC complaints to zero.
• Led Performance Evaluation initiative leveraging SuccessFactors. Designed and developed education curriculum. Delivered of associate and leader education via adobe connect to create one Performance Evaluation process across the organization utilizing SuccessFactors. Result: 99% completion of evaluations and two-way feedback. Successfully aligned performance evaluation practices. Completed project within six months instead of recommended 18 months.
• Designed, developed, and delivered Leader/Associate Goal Management (GM) education via classroom and adobe connect. Result: Successfully contributed to aligning all markets to one goal management practice, utilizing SuccessFactors, across the organization.
• Initiated Succession Planning initiative leveraging SuccessFactors platform implementing a lattice/linear approach for employee growth and development utilizing internal and external resources.
• Successfully led Engagement initiative, Model Community Survey. Results: Survey gleaned 89% participation, 70% associate engagement score, and One Integrated Ministry Alignment Index score of 76%, exceeding set goal of 67%.
The Art Institutes | Las Vegas, NV | 9 yrs
High School Representative (HSR) Leadership Development
Formerly the largest Design, Media and Culinary private post-secondary education provider in North America.
• As Team Leader, successfully hired, trained, mentored, coached, evaluated and developed new team members. Result: Team consistently met and surpassed annual new student recruitment and enrollment goals 5 years in a row.
• Identified and incorporated HSR engagement strategies which supported a diverse remote workforce - i.e. collaboration during monthly conference calls, employee recognition strategies, and improved regional team communication which resulted in a 12% decrease in department turnover.
• Led and managed team of four HSRs in developing National Government Presentation.
o Created project plan, assigned tasks and areas of responsibility while maintaining project timeline.
o Result: increased inquiry generation for the Art Institute School system across the United States.
• Leveraged communication skills to discuss with high school students the necessary steps to complete high school and enroll in college or career training, all while helping students and their influencers/support feel comfortable and confident taking next steps. Result: Top matriculation 8 years in a row.
• Community outreach through various recruitment events held at Art Institute Schools. Helped plan and participated in college recruitment events, Open Houses, campus tours, Summer Studio, and Winter Studio which led to the successful matriculation of students.
Community Experience
Volunteer: Longmeadow Soccer Association, 1st grade soccer coach
Volunteer: Peer Reviewer, Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology
Volunteer: Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
Volunteer: AFAN, Aids for Aids of NV
Master of Arts Organizational Psychology
Bachelor of Arts Psychology
Other Experience/Awards/Publications
SHRM: Certificate of Achievement, Essentials in Human Resource Management
Psi-Chi: International Honor Society in Psychology