Negotiation is an important study for our Candidates in their Flexreturn™ engagement. Near the close of the engagement, they are in a position of "power". They have knowledge of the role, the value of the work they are providing and the feedback they have received from their host teammates. Each Candidate needs to leverage that knowledge to negotiate their worth at the close of the engagement.
Untapped Potential is excited to share this opportunity to learn or skillUP with TECH UP!
TECH UP For Women is a hub for resources, education and technology trends that works to "tech up" women in business in all industries to ensure gender equity.
This event focused on Negotiating Your Worth features Speakers from Facebook, Columbia Law School and Indeed. They'll explore how women can progress to get what they deserve and want out of their careers and lives, not just what they settle for, and how technology can play an aiding role.
Key Takeaways:
The modern definition of negotiation and what this specifically means for women as they navigate the increasingly indistinguishable division between work and home life
The untapped power of open questions to negotiate worth, even in situations where women may feel they have less power – and how technology and the strength of community it provides can be of aid
How negotiation includes the way women speak about themselves, including how to claim expertise without sacrificing collaboration
Tuesday, Sep 21, 2021
12:00 PM EST