You’ll want to take advantage of these great opportunities...
We had a wonderful turnout at our Client/Candidate Diversity Event on March 9th with 38 attendees - 16 from companies and 15 candidates - as well as tremendous Mentors and Flex Returners.

Join UP at “A Celebration of International Women’s Day”
March 15

We encourage you to attend “A Celebration of International Women’s Day” panel discussion by the University of Saint Joseph’s Women’s Leadership Center on Wednesday, March 15, 5:30pm - 7:45pm at the University of Saint Joseph’s Carol Autorino Center for the Arts and Humanities at 1678 Asylum Avenue, Hartford, CT. Registration for this event is free, The panel will feature the Honorable Nancy Johnson; K. Riva Levinson, CEO of KRL International, LLC, and will be moderated by Diane Smith. The distinguished panel of women leaders will discuss the challenges and opportunities facing women in our international landscape as well as the role women’s advancement will play in shaping our global future. And, a great opportunity to network with professionals.
Reclaim Your Professional Self Event
March 31st

Register today for our seminar, “Reclaim Your Professional Self”, set for Friday, March 31st 10:00am - 12:00pm in Canton at Gateway Office Park, 50 Albany Turnpike, Bldg #5, Floor 2, Canton, CT. Our esteemed coaches, Kelley Biskupiak and Susan Rietano Davey will moderate the program and clarify where you are now and where you want to go. This valuable seminar will include a personality assessment using leading industry evaluation tools, and an aptitude assessment that will help you play to your natural aptitudes when making career choices. Don’t miss this introduction to the UP Community, Course Offerings, and Flex-Return Programs.
UP NEWS: Vote Today!

Untapped Potential and founder Candace Freedenberg have both been nominated for the Connecticut Entrepreneur Awards. Support UP and its mission by voting for UP in the CT entrepreneur awards as an Entrepreneur and UP as a venture. You can help to boost the success of our tremendous programs by voting for both of them, and encouraging your friends to vote for them, too. Another way for women to uplift and support each other! Voting ends April 7.